The Unbelievable Thing These Sellers Did to Their Buyer
Wow. Didn't see that coming.
What a Smooth Sale Looks Like
Let Me Brag a Little
I don't usually brag but I have never had a purchase go as smoothly as the one for these sellers. Not only were my sellers great but the buyer (and her agent) were lovely, generous, and a pleasure to work with. Because the buyer had been so flexible and generous my sellers actually increased the amount of money they wanted to credit her at closing. That sort of thing rarely happens in real estate.
It's About More than Winning or Losing
On a standard transaction people are fighting to make sure they aren’t “the loser.” No one wants to get taken advantage of. Buyers don’t want to over pay and sellers are trying to profit. I understand; real estate is an investment for people and negotiations are part of the process. Often in the journey of a home switching hands people forget that these are homes. Maybe the sellers called that house their first home in a new city. Maybe the buyers are planning to raise their family in the home. On one side or both the house often symbolizes a lot more than four walls and a hefty pile of coins. It was and is someone’s home.
Moving is Hard Enough
Every now and then people surprise you. Both the seller and the buyer of this home treated each other with respect and generosity. They both understood how hard a move can be for the other party and took the opportunity to show compassion, emotionally and monetarily. No one got greedy, no one argued, everyone was wonderful. In a business that can sometimes become all about the dollars it was refreshing to see two parties treat each other with fairness. I know making everyone feel good isn’t the name of the game, but I hope to have another purchase like this in my career. Working for people like this is what makes my career one that I love.
Happy Hunting,