How to Move On After Losing The Bidding War
Last week I talked about what it means to be in a Multi-Offer Market and gave my best advice for how to win the bidding war. Unfortunately, it doesn’t always work out; no matter how great your offer was. Sometimes there’s no beating an all cash offer that doesn’t need to be approved by the bank. So how do you move on when your heart was set on a home?It’s not easy to do but you can fall in love with another home. I mean, remember when you were in love with that cute boy in 7th grade who was so “not into you?” Look at you now! You’re married to someone else (who is way cooler than that lame 7th grader anyway!) You moved on from him and you can move on from the home you were in love with too. What I tell my clients is let yourself go through the stages similar to the ones you go through after being rejected for a date.
You’ll be sad after losing the house you love. It will feel like nothing will come along EVER that will be as perfect as that house. Trust me, something else will come up that you love.
Now you’re just mad that the owner didn’t pick you and that the seller’s agent didn’t convince them to pick you. I mean, you wrote a letter with a picture of your dog in it for goodness sake!
“Pfft, that house wasn’t that great anyway. We’ll find a way better one without a stupid yellow door!”
You realize that house wasn’t meant to be yours and you’ll soon find one that is perfect for you.
I get it. It’s hard to move on from a house you had already pictured yourself living in. If you can, try to avoid laying out the rooms and looking online at new Crate & Barrel furniture before your offer is officially accepted. This will help it sting a little less if you don't end up with that particular home.
Happy Hunting,